Celebrating Our 5 Year Anniversary !
Five years of evolution have brought wisdom, understanding, refinement, and streamlining to our little shop.
After a long battle with the financial challenges that COVID imposed on us, we experimented and adjusted our shop hours to align with actual sales traffic for our small business. We survived.
We've had the privilege of showcasing beautiful original graphic designs from Eric Watt that highlight events, promotions, and various advertising.
A variety of wonderful artists and makers have sold their treasures in our shop.
We've organized our products to meet the specific gift-giving needs of our customers, which is
unique to our shop.
Along our journey, we have met many new neighbors, wonderful customers, and have thoroughly enjoyed participating in numerous
Downtown Port Orchard events!
Additionally, we recently won a
2024 Best of South Kitsap Jewelry Shop designation!
That was indeed a surprise and an honor!
We continually evolve while being incredibly grateful to all who visit from near and far to support our curiosity gift shop.
We truly, truly, appreciate you all!! 🤍
Crow's Curiosities Curiosity Shop Settles Into Downtown Port Orchard - by Jessie Darland, Kitsap Sun
Visit Us in Historic Port Orchard
Looking for something fun to do?
Visit Historic Downtown Port Orchard, WA
Enjoy charming shops, various dining options
and a walk along the waterfront!